Adam Waxman is an award winning writer focusing on food,…
⚜️ “You Are My Sunshine” is one of the two official state songs
⚜️ Tabasco sauce comes from Avery Island
⚜️ Atchafalaya Basin is the world’s largest freshwater river basin
⚜️ Louisiana is the only state in the United States that has parishes instead of counties
⚜️ “Bayou” is French for “slow moving river”
⚜️ Baton Rouge has the tallest capital building in the United States
⚜️ The state law still refers to the Napoleonic Code
⚜️ Biting a person with one’s natural teeth is a “simple assault.” Biting a person with one’s false teeth is an “aggravated assault”
⚜️ The colours of Mardi Gras are: purple (justice), gold (power) and green (faith)
⚜️ The Gardens of American Rose Center in Shreveport is the largest park dedicated to roses in America
⚜️ The 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the U.S. from France cost $15 million. Thirteen states were carved out of its territory that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border
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Adam Waxman is an award winning writer focusing on food, wine, travel and wellness. As well as an actor in film and television, he is the Publisher of DINE magazine.