Inside Winter: Design Warm-ups

When we bundle-up to go outdoors, that’s when we layer-up our interiors for a parallel comfort.

We can take a cool sleek drape, add banding and, like an untied scarf down a coatfront, it registers as warm. It can still be ultra-modern, like this wide border from Samuel and Sons, available from Primavera Interior Furnishings, that’s laser-cut in the new prism motif!

Trim Image
Trim Image Courtesy of Samuel & Sons Passementerie

When a band of trim outlines the central verticle edge of a drape, it creates a Leading Edge, an enhancement that has been used by professional designers from 1950 to now. I chose a contrasting dark bronze S&S trim to dramatize stone-coloured Holland & Sherry wool drapes, and tie-in room details in the same shade.
We put on a sweater, our sofa puts on a throw. Texture on texture and tone on tone is a way to add layers without complicating things. The title image is from Rosemary Hallgarten, best known for her signature Alpaca designs. Her artisan collection is represented by Theo Décor.
Prized for its luxury, Alpaca is the warmest natural fibre, fire resistant, water repellent and hypoallergenic. Here’s a chunky Alpaca throw to make using thick yarn, large needles and an entry level knitting technique. The process is easy with quick results. Revelry has instructions for this and similar projects. (–throw) Knitting is a wonderful fireside activity, calming, somewhat addictive and very diverting.

Bayport Blanket Pillow
Bayport Blanket Pillow

In cooler weather, we choose perfume with a headier scent. By extension, the scent of our home can be warmed by diffusers. My favourite, Lampe Berger, was designed in 1898 as a hospital antibacterial. Loved by Picasso and Chanel, their fragrances are continually evolving.

See Also
Feed it Foward

If, like me, you’re not a great cook, use the Gingerbread scent to camouflage the truth. If you actually use your oven, Orange Cinnamon clears cooking odours from the air. Candle Emporium in Yorkville says Heavenly Spruce is a seasonal favourite.

Lampe Berger
Lampe Berger Photo Courtesy Lois Macaulay

Winter interior design doesn’t come down with the Christmas tree or Menorah. There are so many ways to smile through January, February and March, that the story can’t be covered in one post. Check back for more reports from the design world.

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